Bad performance

I tried latest pijul from master, which uses myer’s diff algorithm implemented by @pmeunier. Excellent news!
Both of my tests don’t hang anymore, and complete fairly quickly, though much slower than git.

First test:

Total size of files: 17.8488 MB
First PIJUL commit took 6.657814979553223 seconds
Repo size: 234.906034 MB
Second PIJUL commit took 3.0688796043395996 seconds
First GIT commit took 0.8010790348052979 seconds
Repo size: 10.739978 MB
Second GIT commit took 0.020694971084594727 seconds

Second test:

Total size of files: 4.462002 MB
First GIT commit took 0.24826502799987793 seconds
Repo size: 2.704378 MB
135 lines changed.
Diffing GIT took 0.11530280113220215 seconds
First PIJUL commit took 1.6783769130706787 seconds
Repo size: 58.633307 MB
135 lines changed.
Diffing PIJUL took 0.8525295257568359 seconds

As you can see the biggest challenge remains repo size, but performance did a huge leap forward. Kudos to @pmeunier.

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