I was looking for this also, so I saw a script saved in a change on one of the Pijul discussions. It has some redundant code, so once I reduced it, it’s a lot like what you describe
combination of a single
pijul log --hash-only
and onepijul change
per hash
Here is my version of that script:
echo 'digraph PCG {'
echo 'ratio=fill;'
echo 'size=10;'
echo 'overlap=scale;'
echo 'node [shape=rect target="_blank"];'
pijul log --hash-only "$@" | while read ID; do
pijul change "$ID" | awk -v oid="$ID" -v idlen="$LEN" '
/^message =/ { msg = substr($0, index($0, $3));
gsub( /"/, "", msg );
if (length(msg) > idlen*2) {
gsub(/([^ ]+ ){3,4}/, "&\\\n", msg);
print "\"" substr(oid,0,idlen) "\" [label=\"" substr(oid,0,idlen) "\\n" msg "\"];"; }
$1 == "#" {
section = $2;
$1 != "#" && $2 != "" && section == "Dependencies" && $1 != "[*]" && substr($1,length($1),1) != "+" {
print "\"" substr(oid,0,idlen) "\" -> \"" substr($2,0,idlen) "\";";
echo '}'
) | dot -Tsvg /dev/stdin -o /dev/stdout
I run it on Ubuntu on the pijul repo and it takes 28 seconds to output the text file for the graph of 807 changes. Generating the SVG from the graph takes longer, but it needs better parameters because the changes are so interdependent that you can’t read it.
Since my goal was to unrecord, I found two things:
says “A change can only be unrecorded if all changes that depend on it are also unrecorded in the same operation.”
There seems to be no way to get a list of changes that depend on one change.- When you do
pijul unrecord --show-changes
, you get what the log would show if it showed dependencies. So it looks like that code is written already, but inaccessible for a graph since this option puts it into interactive mode.