Build failure on macos (zstd-seekable, _IO_FILE)

Thank you! Got a working anu binary now.

The diff (besides editing the vendored checksum file):

--- zstd-seekable/src/	2020-11-07 23:18:45.000000000 +0100
+++ zstd-seekable/src/	2020-11-07 23:18:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
             if p.is_null() {
                 return Err(Error::Null);
-            let result = ZSTD_seekable_initFile(p, f as *mut _IO_FILE);
+            let result = ZSTD_seekable_initFile(p, f as *mut FILE);
             if ZSTD_isError(result) != 0 {
                 return Err(Error::ZSTD(result));

My understanding is that _IO_FILE is an internal generated struct name due to bindgen, while FILE is the stable type alias, so the diff might be safe to apply (but unsure).

I had to extend my nix-shell a bit, too, here’s what worked:

$ nix-shell -p openssl libsodium llvmPackages.libclang xxHash zlib zstd libgit2 pkgconfig darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreServices darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Security darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.SystemConfiguration