Development Workflow

Now that there are some new “regular contributors” to pijul, maybe it is a good time to choose and stick to a development workflow. Right now, how a patch ends up in production is not very clear.

We do not need something that is as complex as the git workflow for instance, but trying to have some rules to enforce is a good thing to have in my opinion.

I can think of a few things, such as:

  1. One patch for the code, one patch for the ChangeLog (to avoid unecessary dependencies)
  2. One release every two weeks (in addition to hotfix releases)
  3. One branch per release until pijul tags are a thing
  4. Documentation could be mandatory (both end-user documentation and developer documentation)

I think the way pijul is used to develop a software is still to be invented, and now is a fair good moment to do it! And it is pretty excited.