Git to Pijul transition questions from a n00b

Hello. My name is Daniel Haskin. I am looking into contributing code to pijul. While using pijul, i have compiled a list of questions that I need answered so that I can be effective.

I learned about darcs back around 2011 but didn’t get into it because of its merging problems, so pijul is very interesting to me.

Here are my questions:

  • How do you view signatures on a patch? I have apparently signed a patch, but I want to make sure this is the case.
  • How do you do make a pull request (contribute code to a third party repo, like the pijul repo itself)? I’ve gotten as far as pushing up patches to a forked copy of the pijul repository on my own feature branch.
  • How do you view remotes? (a la git remote -v)
  • Is there a git reflog equivalent? In case I unrecord or delete branch, I need to be able to see the patches I’ve recorded so I can put them elsewhere or bring them back.
  • Is there a git stash equivalent?
  • Is there a way I can get pijul to print a warning in case it renders a digle using ‘<<<’,’===’, and ‘>>>’ ? I need to know if I need to flatten digles to files and whether i need to resolve merge conflicts in equal proportion.
  • Where are the docs kept ( , in case I want to help with them?

Thanks a lot for your interest and your will to contribute! To answer your question:

As far as I can tell, currently you cannot, and the Nest itself does not provide this feature anymore (for now! I am pretty sure @pmeunier is planning on bringing it back).

Contrary to git and GitHub, you don’t need to have a personal fork on the nest to contribute. Basically, the steps are the following:

  1. Record your patch locally
  2. Create a discussion on the upstream repository on the nest, and describe/motivate your change.
  3. In the URL, you will find the issue nubmer, like<number>, under the hood the nest has created a branch #<number>
  4. Push your change as follows: pijul push <name> --to-branch \#<number>. The \ before # is required on zsh, but maybe not on bash
  5. Your change now appears on the nest discussion, and will be reviewed by either @pmeunier, @flobec or me

You cannot at the moment with pijul cli, but it should not be hard to add. Anyway, you can cat .pijul/meta.toml to see them.

Not yet.

Not yet, but you can easily record a temporary patch that you won’t push to the nest. This is why commuting patches are useful. Of course, the change of the patch you want to send should not depend on your pending patch.

pijul pull warns when it creates conflicts, and pijul status displays those conflicts. Some of them are not dealt with (e.g. two files with the same name).
