In the VSCode extension, the user can select a pijul change in the changelog of the current channel, and then select a file changed by that pijul change. When he does that, I would like to show a diff panel showing the content of the file before and after that pijul change (instead, it currently shows the current (!) version of the file: it’s not very useful)
To achieve that, I need to generate the content of the file before and after the pijul change. I could not find a command that would allow me to do this. Is it at all possible?
Here are some relevant topics, from Nest, here, and Zulip:
#833 missing command to show a file at a certain state
How do I move to a specific point in history without unrecording every single change until then?
I am trying out pijul 1.0.0-beta and trying to unlearn git commands ;). If I understand correctly, I could fork a channel (in order to not loose the current state) and pijul unrecord a change by a change until I’ve reached the target point in history. But is there a quicker way?
Maybe a git-pijul-Rosetta would be helpful?
Hey everyone!
I’ve recently discovered about this project and I was really impressed with everything. I’ve tried reading everything I could find online about Pijul but I was left with a question about a correct workflow especially the code review process.
As I understand it, the way to submit changes for merging into the main channel is through a nest “discussion” which is basically a set of patches (the diff between my local main and the remote main or a local channel and a rem…
order of changes with push and pull
That’s handy. I had assumed that because changes in Pijul aren’t inherently ordered, there would be no way to view the history of a channel in the order that it happened. But since pijul log preserves the order that changes were applied, it gives us a nice “linear history”, just like Git users strive for. (Although it’s not quite accurate if a change was removed with unrecord.)
What is the state identifier used for?
tooling discussion
revisiting old versions
feature complete?
Thank you very much for the info. This is going in the right direction. I’ll wait until it is implemented.