Any ideas for interpreting error messages?

I wanted to get the latest Pijul, so I installed over the old one and then tried to use it to clone the repository. I used an old command, so I got a 404 on the repository, but after that, I don’t understand what happened. The first attempt created a pjul folder with two subfolders. There was no code in the folder. I deleted the pijul folder and tried again. The second attempt didn’t create a pijul folder.
I’m on Ubuntu Studio 20.04 and had just run rustup update.

$ cargo install pijul --version "~1.0.0-alpha"
    Updating index
  Downloaded pijul v1.0.0-alpha.46
  Downloaded 1 crate (78.2 KB) in 0.64s
  Installing pijul v1.0.0-alpha.46
  Downloaded which v4.0.2
   Compiling libpijul v1.0.0-alpha.37
   Compiling hyper v0.14.4
   Compiling thrussh-libsodium v0.2.1
   Compiling thrussh-keys v0.20.2
   Compiling hyper-tls v0.5.0
   Compiling reqwest v0.11.1
   Compiling thrussh v0.32.7
   Compiling pijul v1.0.0-alpha.46
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 7m 39s
   Replacing /home/eye/.cargo/bin/pijul
    Replaced package `pijul v1.0.0-alpha.21` with `pijul v1.0.0-alpha.46` (executable `pijul`)
$ pijul clone
Error: HTTP error 404
$ pijul clone
Downloading changes [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
           Applying [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
Downloading changes [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
           Applying [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
Downloading changes [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
           Applying [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
Downloading changes [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
           Applying [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
Downloading changes [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
           Applying [============================>                     ] 204/359                   
Error: Changestore error: Version mismatch
$ pijul clone
Downloading changes [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
           Applying [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
Downloading changes [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
           Applying [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
Downloading changes [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
           Applying [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
Downloading changes [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
           Applying [>                                                 ] 0/359                      
Error: Changestore error: ZSTD("Unknown frame descriptor")

I don’t know what happened there. The change version hasn’t changed, this looks like a network error to me.

So, two different errors and different results, but one cause “network error”? Why doesn’t it say that then?

I don’t fully understand the “version mismatch” one. As for the other one, debugging it is quite hard, as you can imagine. If you happen to see the error again, running the command RUST_LOG="pijul=debug" would give very useful hints.