I’m trying to set up remote (SSH) repo. I have
- installed pijul on both machines, server and client.
- successfully cloned a repo from server to client.
- successfully added and recorded changes on client.
unsuccessfully tried to to push changes from client to server by command:
$ pijul push
Password for key "id_rsa":
✓ Updating remote changelist
Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
Also with the command:
$ RUST_LOG="pijul=debug" pijul push
[2021-01-11T18:16:16Z DEBUG pijul::repository] "/home/path/to/repo/.pijul"
[2021-01-11T18:16:16Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] Config { current_channel: Some("main"), default_remote: Some("user@host:~/path/to/repo"), remotes: {}, hooks: Hooks { record: [] } }
[2021-01-11T18:16:16Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] remote_channel = "main" None
[2021-01-11T18:16:16Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] ssh_remote: Captures({0: Some("user@host:~/path/to/repo"), 1: None, 2: Some("user@"), "user": Some("user"), 4: Some("host"), "host": Some("host"), 6: None, 7: None, 8: Some("host"), 9: Some(":"), 10: None, "port": None, "path": Some("~/path/to/repo")})
[2021-01-11T18:16:16Z DEBUG pijul::remote] unknown_remote, ssh = Remote { addr: "user@host:~/path/to/repo", host: "host", path: "~/path/to/repo", config: Config { user: "user", host_name: "host.hostname.com", port: 22, identity_file: None, proxy_command: None, add_keys_to_agent: No } }
Password for key "id_rsa":
⠁ Updating remote changelist
[2021-01-11T18:16:29Z DEBUG pijul::remote] update_changelist
[2021-01-11T18:16:29Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] get_state
[2021-01-11T18:16:29Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] run_protocol
[2021-01-11T18:16:29Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] msg = WindowAdjusted { new_size: 2097152 }
[2021-01-11T18:16:29Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] msg = Success
[2021-01-11T18:16:29Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] run_protocol done
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] data ChannelId(2) 56
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] state: State
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] s = Split(SplitInternal { start: 0, end: 56, matcher: CharSearcher { haystack: "0 U5DWRVLW7TXD7EARG5YGBFGMSO5Q75XTUFOB2NOY73P2LJ5APPOAC\n", finger: 0, finger_back: 56, needle: ' ', utf8_size: 1, utf8_encoded: [32, 0, 0, 0] }, allow_trailing_empty: true, finished: false })
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote] update changelist 1
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] download_changelist
⠉ Updating remote changelist
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] data ChannelId(2) 111
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] state changelist
✓ Updating remote changelist
[2021-01-11T18:16:30Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] to_upload = ["Z35WNDO7BSWPJ2CCIP3YLW6GQWTIL3SNCEHB52AGYIS44DHIBX5AC"]
[2021-01-11T18:16:45Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] to_upload = ["Z35WNDO7BSWPJ2CCIP3YLW6GQWTIL3SNCEHB52AGYIS44DHIBX5AC"]
[2021-01-11T18:16:45Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] upload_changes
[2021-01-11T18:16:45Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] "Z35WNDO7BSWPJ2CCIP3YLW6GQWTIL3SNCEHB52AGYIS44DHIBX5AC"
[2021-01-11T18:16:45Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] extended data Ok("Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)\n"), 1
Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
The error message given seems too general and would like to know how to to handle the situation.