1.0.0-alpha Usage Proto Documentation

Wait, reading your report again more carefully, it turns out that pijul record my_file is a shorthand for pijul add -r my_file; pijul record. If you don’t add README.md to the repository, pijul diff will not know about it. Several Git users have complained that pijul diff doesn’t show extra unadded files. We will probably add that feature soon.

So I had some problems with Discourse not allowing me to post more than three posts in a thread before I had reached a certain level. Thanks @pmeunier for the help fixing that!

My reply was

So @qrpnxz description of pijul diff’s behavior I quoted above is incorrect?

@pmeunier’s replied

It was imprecise rather than incorrect: pijul diff shows you the differences in added files rather than in all files, and I agree that Pijul’s behaviour was confusing in your case.

So this is the steps you’ve to take currently (alpha35) to be shown a diff

  1. create a repository;
  2. create a file (if you don’t have any), E.g., echo "Hello, World!" | tee foo.md;
  3. add that file(s) to the “tree” using pijul add [filename], E.g., pijul add foo.md; and finally
  4. run pijul diff.

Step three is missing from @qrpnxz’s instructions.

I really like these terminology suggestions. At least to my current understanding of pijul they are spot on, aren‘t they? Especially changeset helps to clarify the structure of what a channel appears to be, a set of changes. To me the word channel suggest some kind of flow and two channels transport completely different things. From the word alone it is not apparent to me that channels actually can share changes. How did the name come about?