Recording binary files not always warned against in interactive mode

I was surprised when I created a new pijul repo and added all the files from a directory, then made a clone of that repo, many of the files were missing.

cd original
pijul init
pijul add -r *
pijul record
pijul list > list_original.txt
cd ..
pijul clone original copy
cd copy
pijul list > list_copy.txt
diff ../original/list_original.txt list_copy.txt  # found a lot of differences

When I tried again, adding files directory by directory, I encountered a warning that committing binary assets cannot be done in interactive mode. I did not encounter that warning when I added all the files recursively.

On my third attempt, adding all the files, then committing in non-interactive mode, all the files were added to the repo, and all were cloned into my new copy of the repo.

cd original
pijul init
pijul add -r *
pijul record -a -m "Initial import."
pijul list > list_original.txt
cd ..
pijul clone original copy
cd copy
pijul list > list_copy.txt
diff ../original/list_original.txt list_copy.txt  # No differences

To help others who may encounter this behavior when trying to record binary files (perhaps without realizing it), it might be nice to have the warning message be more visible in interactive mode.

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Instead of warning that it can’t be done, make it work interactively, since that’s the default.

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