Unable to push to the Nest


I’ve uploaded my public SSH key to the nest (RSA) but pushing asks for a password. Using the SSH passphrase is not recognized for the first. Using the Nest password for the second does not work either.

❯ pijul push apraga@ssh.pijul.com:apraga/org
:heavy_check_mark: Password for encrypted private key · ********
Warning: Unable to automatically authenticate with server. Please make sure your SSH keys have been uploaded to the Nest.
For more information, please visit Uploading public keys - The Pijul manual
:heavy_check_mark: Password for apraga@ssh.pijul.com · ********

Is it another SSH key that should be uploaded ?
The issue is reproducible for pijul installed with nix or cargo.


I have already seen this problem. You will have to wait for a hotfix. The system is unstable for now.

Thank for the quick reply. it’s appreciated.

Edit: I’ve recreated the identity as it seems default parameters are not set (during identity creation). I’ve also forced key encryption to have a password to type (assuming the password asked is not the SSH password !).

Now there is a long delay after entering the password but the error is still there.


✔ Password for encrypted private key · ********
Warning: Unable to automatically authenticate with server. Please make sure your SSH keys have been uploaded to the Nest.
For more information, please visit https://pijul.org/manual/the_nest/public_keys.html#ssh-public-keys
[2024-08-24T12:11:45Z ERROR pijul] Error: "Not authenticated. Please check your credentials and try again."
Error: Not authenticated. Please check your credentials and try again.
DEBUG pijul_repository] "/home/alex/org/.pijul"
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul_repository] max_files = 32
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] Config { default_remote: Some("https://nest.pijul.com/apraga/org"), extra_dependencies: [], remotes: [], hooks: Hooks { record: [] }, unrecord_changes: None, reset_overwrites_changes: None, colors: None, pager: None }
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] remote_channel = "main" None
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] ssh_remote: Captures({0: 0..31/"apraga@ssh.pijul.com:apraga/org", 1: None, 2: 0..7/"apraga@", 3/"user": 0..6/"apraga", 4: 7..20/"ssh.pijul.com", 5/"host": 7..20/"ssh.pijul.com", 6: None, 7: None, 8: 7..20/"ssh.pijul.com", 9: 20..31/":apraga/org", 10: None, 11/"port": None, 12/"path0": None, 13: None, 14: 20..31/":apraga/org", 15/"path1": 21..31/"apraga/org", 16/"path2": None, 17: None})
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul_remote] unknown_remote, ssh = Remote { path: "apraga/org", config: Config { user: "apraga", host_name: "ssh.pijul.com", port: 22, identity_file: None, proxy_command: None, add_keys_to_agent: No } }
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] addr = "ssh.pijul.com" port = 22
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] identities = []
[2024-08-24T12:02:47Z DEBUG pijul_config] s = [91, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 93, 10, 110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 61, 32, 34, 97, 112, 114, 97, 103, 97, 34, 10, 102, 117, 108, 108, 95, 110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 61, 32, 34, 65, 108, 101, 120, 105, 115, 32, 80, 114, 97, 103, 97, 34, 10, 101, 109, 97, 105, 108, 32, 61, 32, 34, 97, 108, 101, 120, 105, 115, 46, 112, 114, 97, 103, 97, 64, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 110, 46, 109, 101, 34, 10]
✔ Password for encrypted private key · ********
Warning: Unable to automatically authenticate with server. Please make sure your SSH keys have been uploaded to the Nest.
For more information, please visit https://pijul.org/manual/the_nest/public_keys.html#ssh-public-keys
[2024-08-24T12:11:45Z ERROR pijul] Error: "Not authenticated. Please check your credentials and try again."
Error: Not authenticated. Please check your credentials and try again.

Also, I have the same issue with a repo on a private SSH (if that helps).

Update : re-creating the key without encryption does not ask for a password (after restarting ssh-agent) but it fails after a long delay

$ pijul push
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_repository] "/home/alex/org/.pijul"
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_repository] max_files = 32
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] Config { default_remote: Some("apraga@ssh.pijul.com:apraga/org"), extra_dependencies: [], remotes: [], hooks: Hooks { record: [] }, unrecord_changes: None, reset_overwrites_changes: None, colors: None, pager: None }
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul::commands::pushpull] remote_channel = "main" None
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] ssh_remote: Captures({0: 0..31/"apraga@ssh.pijul.com:apraga/org", 1: None, 2: 0..7/"apraga@", 3/"user": 0..6/"apraga", 4: 7..20/"ssh.pijul.com", 5/"host": 7..20/"ssh.pijul.com", 6: None, 7: None, 8: 7..20/"ssh.pijul.com", 9: 20..31/":apraga/org", 10: None, 11/"port": None, 12/"path0": None, 13: None, 14: 20..31/":apraga/org", 15/"path1": 21..31/"apraga/org", 16/"path2": None, 17: None})
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote] unknown_remote, ssh = Remote { path: "apraga/org", config: Config { user: "apraga", host_name: "ssh.pijul.com", port: 22, identity_file: None, proxy_command: None, add_keys_to_agent: No } }
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] addr = "ssh.pijul.com" port = 22
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] identities = [Ed25519(PublicKey { key: [221, 169, 101, 208, 19, 169, 25, 95, 156, 133, 220, 79, 59, 190, 251, 72, 140, 175, 239, 95, 93, 197, 162, 86, 71, 12, 81, 220, 125, 17, 56, 41] })]
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] Trying key Ed25519(PublicKey { key: [221, 169, 101, 208, 19, 169, 25, 95, 156, 133, 220, 79, 59, 190, 251, 72, 140, 175, 239, 95, 93, 197, 162, 86, 71, 12, 81, 220, 125, 17, 56, 41] })
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] fingerprint = "XXXXXXXXX"
[2024-08-25T09:58:07Z DEBUG pijul_remote::ssh] authenticate future
Warning: Unable to automatically authenticate with server. Please make sure your SSH keys have been uploaded to the Nest.
For more information, please visit https://pijul.org/manual/the_nest/public_keys.html#ssh-public-keys
[2024-08-25T10:08:08Z ERROR pijul] Error: "Not authenticated. Please check your credentials and try again."
Error: Not authenticated. Please check your credentials and try again.

Pushing to ssh.pijul.org or nest.pijul.org gives the same error.

This error still isn’t solved.

hi all,

After some experiments i’ve got working pijul.
Now i can clone and push over ssh to nest as a hotfix.

If this is still relevant, let me know, and I will explain what I have done.

1 Like

Yes, I suppose it’s very relevant.

The server-side has moved forward, while pijul remains stagnant.
This can be easily fixed with a dirty hack at your own risk.

cd pijul
pijul remote
  I5GEGWCQIJKTINCFGJEEIVZXKU: https://nest.pijul.com/pijul/pijul
pijul reset --force
cargo update
cd pijul-remote
vi Cargo.toml
# change thrussh = "0.34" to "0.35.6"
cargo update
cd ..
cargo build --release
pijul clone tankf33der@nest.pijul.com:tankf33der/picolisp
# cloned
cd picolisp
# change something
pijul rec -am"."
pijul push -a
# pushed

Please try and report.

p.s. I would like to point out that pushing via HTTPS was also possible before, but it is broken as well.


Thanks, it works. I opened discussion about it pijul/pijul - Discussion #963 - Thrussh should be updated to fix push command for nest