Where to donate to help fund development?

I want to pitch in just a little bit to fund the development of pijul because I think its a really good idea, but I don’t want it to be a reoccuring payment i.e. like the nest pro subscription, just a one-time one.

Also, it’d be cool if it could be an anonymous donation, Monero perhaps?


I agree, more options like that would be great. I would also be willing to donate to support development and am not opposed to a monthly donation but $10/month is too much for me. Maybe consider also $2 and $5 tiers like sourcehut has.

Hi! Thanks for you support! We have an opencollective page if you want to donate: Pijul - Open Collective

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Hi @pmeunier. You gotta advertise these things better! Pijul is a seriously cool project worthy of serious financial support and I’d hate to see it get left behind when there are substantial issues pijul could solve if it was fast enough… (i.e. nixpkgs)

Last pijul commit was in March, so I’m not sure if its still being developed, but I would like to do a one-time donation of $40 if you enable the open collective crypto donation feature as thanks for everything you’ve done so far :slight_smile:

I’ve been working on a really cool extension of Pijul since March, so: yes, the project is still active. Also, it has recently been funded by NLNet.

Oh that’s awesome! Would still like to donate with crypto tho :)

What’s the extension about? (Is it git-compatibility related?)

What’s the extension about? (Is it git-compatibility related?)

It is! Killing tags + git compatibility with one stone.

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As for donating with crypto, I would need to open a project wallet since open collective rejected my request to allow crypto donations.

Just signed up for a 10USD/month recurring donation.

I strongly suggest to make the funding options more prominent in the website. There should be a big visible element in the landing page.

Keep up with the good work! I am looking forward to seeing the git compatibility to be able to leverage the Gitlab infrastructure.

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I would much prefer donating in Liberapay, as it’s itself opensource and non-profit.