I’ve had to reset the history once again, because the recent change in the format introduced subtle changes in the algorithm, which I’m hoping I’ve solved today, mostly by simplifying stuff.
Is this the last time? I don’t know, I’ve written new tests to test for the recent changes, but I’ll try to go through the code of libpijul again and check if everything is alright.
I just recorded a new change to one of my repos and the patch recorded it as deleting every file (so now the repo is empty).
This happened after just upgrading to 1.0.0-alpha.3
Additionally, you never said anything about needing to run the pijul upgrade command on local repositories, so I did it anyways, and it gave an error.
pijul upgrade was supposed to upgrade repositories to the new change format, but it doesn’t quite work, because the previous change format was missing important information.
Also I can log in to deleted account with login-link from “restore forgotten password” email.
And I please you to un-mark (un-delete) my account, pmeunier.